Example: Basic elements
Here are a few aspects to notice (after you click the Load page button):
- The title does not appear on the page. (As discussed earlier, the purpose of the title is for use by search engines.)
- The paragraphs are not indented.
- The link does not look like a link, nor does it function as a link.
- The appearance of heading elements depends on defaults for the browser.
If a pane is not big enough for you to see all the information at once, a scroll bar will appear. To see more, you can adjust the relative heights of the two panes by moving your cursor between them. Click on the arrow in the bottom pane to see the rendered page in its own window, which you can resize as you wish.
All examples, such as this one, are designed so that you can experiment with them. Experiment with this example by adding, deleting, or changing elements in the HTML pane. If you want to return to the original example, click on the Restore button.
- undefined