Breaking the rhubarb example into pieces

Step 1: Main content

What is the main content of the page? What comes before and what comes after?

Our first division of our example is into three elements, namely a header elementAn element providing heading material for all or part of the contents of the page. This should not be contained in the main element., a main elementAn element that contains the main content of the page., and a footer elementAn element providing footer material for all or part of the contents of the page. This should not be contained in the main element..

rhubarb main, header, footer

Main, header, and footer

Step 2: Articles and sections

Can the main content be broken into self-contained articles? Are there groups of articles that belong in the same section?

rhubarb sections


In the example, we have split the information into two section elementsAn element used as a thematic grouping of material.. The first section contains articles about general information (Stalking rhubarb, How to identify rhubarb, Washing rhubarb, Fun facts about rhubarb, and Not-so-fun facts about rhubarb) and the second section contains articles with recipes (Ginger rhubarb ice milk and No-ginger rhubarb ice milk).

rhubarb articles


Step 3: Other features

Are there any figures? Are there hyperlinks for navigation? Is there any information that is tangential to the main content?

rhubarb others

Other features

In our example, we have a figure consisting of an image and a caption and also a list of hyperlinks to related sites. Since the list of hyperlinks is tangential, we have put it in an aside elementAn element containing material tangential to other material..