Combining selectors
Elements satisfying any one of a group of criteria
If we wish to use the same declarationsA specification of style as property:value. for more than one type of element, class, or ID, or any mixture, we can use commas to give a list of selectors. This rule indicates that elements in the class even
or with the ID block1
should be coloured red.
.even, #block1 {
color: red;
The order of the listed elements, classes, and IDs is unimportant.
Elements satisfying all of a group of criteria
If instead we wish to specify that only elements of a particular type and class are to be styled, we can join together an element selector and a class selector without spaces, or more generally, any combination of elements, classes, and IDs.
The following rule indicates that any list item elementAn element for an item in a list. that is in the class odd
should be given the background colour yellow.
li.odd {
background-color: yellow;
Here are some other types of selectors that might be used: p#first
. Notice that more than one class can be specified.
An element can be in more than one class. The class values are listed in the class attribute, separated by spaces.