ID | Name | Description | Type | Module | Step | Explanation | Example |
1 | html |
html element |
HTML element | 2 | 9 | An element for the entire document. |
2 | head |
head element |
HTML element | 2 | 9 | An element that gives information about the page. |
3 | body |
body element |
HTML element | 2 | 9 | An element that contains all the content of the page. |
4 | title |
title element |
HTML element | 2 | 11 | An element that appears in the head element. The text is used for search and display. |
5 | h1 |
heading element |
HTML element | 2 | 11 | An element that gives a heading. |
6 | p |
paragraph element |
HTML element | 2 | 11 | An element consisting of text that forms a paragraph. |
7 | a |
hyperlink element |
HTML element | 2 | 11 | An element used to include a hyperlink. |
8 | div |
division element |
HTML element | 2 | 16 | An element used to group elements on different lines. |
9 | hr |
horizontal rule element |
HTML element | 2 | 18 | An element that makes a horizontal line. |
10 | br |
line break element |
HTML element | 2 | 18 | An element that inserts a line break. |
11 | img |
image element |
HTML element | 2 | 18 | An element used to include an image. |
12 | lang |
language attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 1 | A global attribute specifying the language in which text is written. |
13 | href |
hyperlink reference attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 2 | An attribute used to specify an address for a hyperlink. |
14 | src |
source attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 2 | An attribute used to specify the source from which a file can be obtained. |
15 | alt |
alternative text attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 2 | An attribute supplying text to display, if an image cannot be loaded. |
16 | height |
height attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 2 | An attribute specifying the height, such as of an image. |
17 | width |
width attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 2 | An attribute specifying the width, such as of an image. |
18 | meta |
metadata element |
HTML element | 3 | 4 | An element in the head containing such information as the encoding. |
19 | charset |
character encoding declaration |
HTML declaration | 3 | 4 | A declaration to indicate the encoding used by the computer. |
20 | doctype |
doctype declaration |
HTML declaration | 3 | 4 | A declaration to show that the document is written in HTML. |
21 | id |
ID attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 6 | An attribute specifying a unique identifier for an element. |
22 | class |
class attribute |
HTML attribute | 3 | 8 | An attribute assigning an element to a named class. |
23 | color |
color property |
CSS property | 4 | 1 | A property to specify colour of content, with values given as colours. |
24 | font-style |
font-style property |
CSS property | 4 | 1 | A property to specify font style, with values such as italic, normal, and oblique. |
25 | style |
style attribute |
HTML attribute | 4 | 2 | An attribute specifying the style of the element. |
26 | style |
style element |
HTML element | 4 | 3 | An element used to include an internal style sheet. |
27 | link |
link element |
HTML element | 4 | 4 | An element used to create a link between a document and an external resource. |
28 | rel |
relationship attribute |
HTML attribute | 4 | 4 | An attribute showing the relationship between a document and an external resource. |
29 | font-weight |
font-weight property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify the weight of a font, with values such as normal and bold. |
30 | text-decoration |
text-decoration property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify decoration to text, with values such as underline, line-through, and overline. |
31 | text-transform |
text-transform property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to set cases, with values such as none, capitalize, uppercase, and lowercase. |
32 | text-align |
text-align property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to align text, with values such as left, right, center, and justify. |
33 | background-color |
background-color property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify the colour of the background, with values given as colours. |
34 | font-size |
font-size property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify the size of the font, with values given as sizes. |
35 | letter-spacing |
letter-spacing property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify the amount of space between characters, with values given as sizes. |
36 | word-spacing |
word-spacing property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify the amount of space between words, with values given as sizes. |
37 | line-height |
line-height property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify the height of each line, with values given as sizes. |
38 | text-indent |
text-indent property |
CSS property | 4 | 10 | A property to specify how much text should be indented, with values given as sizes. |
39 | span |
span element |
HTML element | 5 | 1 | An element used to group elements that share a line. |
40 | ol |
ordered list element |
HTML element | 5 | 2 | An element for an ordered list. |
41 | li |
list item element |
HTML element | 5 | 2 | An element for an item in a list. |
42 | ul |
unordered list element |
HTML element | 5 | 2 | An element for an unordered list. |
43 | list-style-type |
list style property |
CSS property | 5 | 5 | A property of lists that specifies the numbers or bullets to use, using values such as lower-alpha and square. |
44 | table |
table element |
HTML element | 5 | 7 | An element for a table. |
45 | tr |
table row element |
HTML element | 5 | 7 | An element for the row of a table. |
46 | th |
table header element |
HTML element | 5 | 7 | An element for a header in a table. |
47 | td |
table data element |
HTML element | 5 | 7 | An element for a data item in a table. |
48 | border-collapse |
border-collapse property |
CSS property | 5 | 7 | A property to specify whether or not borders of table cells collapse, with values collapse and separate. |
49 | empty-cells |
empty-cells property |
CSS property | 5 | 7 | A property to specify how empty table cells are styled, with values show and hide. |
50 | main |
main element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element that contains the main content of the page. |
51 | header |
header element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element providing heading material for all or part of the contents of the page. This should not be contained in the main element. |
52 | footer |
footer element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element providing footer material for all or part of the contents of the page. This should not be contained in the main element. |
53 | article |
article element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element that designates a self-contained part of the content. |
54 | section |
section element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element used as a thematic grouping of material. |
55 | figure |
figure element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element containing an image and a caption. |
56 | figcaption |
caption element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element containing the caption for an image. This is placed inside a figure element. |
57 | nav |
navigation element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element containing hyperlinks for navigation. |
58 | aside |
aside element |
HTML element | 5 | 11 | An element containing material tangential to other material. |
59 | display |
display property |
CSS property | 6 | 2 | A property that controls how an element is displayed, with values such as inline, block, inline-block, flex, inline-flex, and none. |
60 | visibility |
visibility property |
CSS property | 6 | 2 | A property that controls the visibility of content, with values visible and hidden. |
61 | height |
height property |
CSS property | 6 | 4 | A property that gives the height of the content, with values given as sizes. |
62 | width |
width property |
CSS property | 6 | 4 | A property that gives the width of the content, with values given as sizes. |
63 | max-height |
max-height property |
CSS property | 6 | 6 | A property that gives the maximum height of the content, with values given as sizes. |
64 | max-width |
max-width property |
CSS property | 6 | 6 | A property that gives the maximum width of the content, with values given as sizes. |
65 | min-height |
min-height property |
CSS property | 6 | 6 | A property that gives the minimum height of the content, with values given as sizes. |
66 | min-width |
min-width property |
CSS property | 6 | 6 | A property that gives the minimum width of the content, with values given as sizes. |
67 | padding |
padding property |
CSS property | 6 | 7 | A property that styles the empty space that acts as a buffer between contents and the border, with values given as sizes. |
68 | border |
border property |
CSS property | 6 | 9 | A property that styles all aspects of all borders, that is, width, style, and colour. |
69 | border-width |
border-width property |
CSS property | 6 | 9 | A property that gives the width of the border, with values given as sizes or preset terms such as thin, medium, and thick. |
70 | border-style |
border-style property |
CSS property | 6 | 9 | A property that gives the style of the border, with values such as solid, dotted, dashed, double, and groove. |
71 | border-color |
border-color property |
CSS property | 6 | 9 | A property that gives the colour of the border, with values given as colours. |
72 | box-sizing |
box-sizing property |
CSS property | 6 | 11 | A property that specifies to which dimensions the height and width properties refer, with values content-box and border-box. |
73 | border-top |
border-top property |
CSS property | 6 | 14 | A property that styles the top border. |
74 | border-right |
border-right property |
CSS property | 6 | 14 | A property that styles the right border. |
75 | border-bottom |
border-bottom property |
CSS property | 6 | 14 | A property that styles the bottom border. |
76 | border-left |
border-left property |
CSS property | 6 | 14 | A property that styles the left border. |
77 | border-right-style |
border-right-style property |
CSS property | 6 | 14 | A property that styles the style of the right border. |
78 | border-bottom-color |
border-bottom-color property |
CSS property | 6 | 14 | A property that styles the colour of the bottom border. |
79 | one > two |
child selector |
CSS selector | 7 | 5 | Selects any element selected by two which is a child of an element selected by one. |
80 | one two |
descendant selector |
CSS selector | 7 | 5 | Selects any element selected by two which is a descendant of an element selected by one. |
81 | one + two |
next sibling selector |
CSS selector | 7 | 9 | Selects any element selected by two which is the next sibling of an element selected by one. |
82 | one ~ two |
general sibling selector |
CSS selector | 7 | 9 | Selects any element selected by two which is a sibling of an element selected by one. |
83 | first-line |
first-line pseudo-element |
CSS pseudo-element | 7 | 17 | The first line of text content of the chosen element. |
84 | first-letter |
first-letter pseudo-element |
CSS pseudo-element | 7 | 17 | The first letter of text content of the chosen element. |
85 | link |
link pseudo-class |
CSS pseudo-class | 7 | 18 | A pseudo-class for hyperlinks. |
86 | visited |
visited pseudo-class |
CSS pseudo-class | 7 | 18 | A pseudo-class for hyperlinks that have been visited. |
87 | hover |
hover pseudo-class |
CSS pseudo-class | 7 | 18 | A pseudo-class for hyperlinks where the cursor hovers. |
88 | active |
active pseudo-class |
CSS pseudo-class | 7 | 18 | A pseudo-class for hyperlinks between click and release. |
89 | position |
position property |
CSS property | 8 | 1 | A property to specify where to position an element with respect to normal flow, with values such as static, absolute, relative, and fixed. |
90 | top |
top property |
CSS property | 8 | 1 | A property indicating the position with respect to the top of the page, with values given as numbers. |
91 | right |
right property |
CSS property | 8 | 1 | A property indicating the position with respect to the right of the page, with values given as numbers. |
92 | bottom |
bottom property |
CSS property | 8 | 1 | A property indicating the position with respect to the bottom of the page, with values given as numbers. |
93 | left |
left property |
CSS property | 8 | 1 | A property indicating the position with respect to the left of the page, with values given as numbers. |
94 | float |
float property |
CSS property | 8 | 5 | A property that allows an element to float left or right in its container, with values such as none, left, and right. |
95 | clear |
clear property |
CSS property | 8 | 8 | A property that can specify that an element not flow around a floating element, with values such as left, right, and both. |
96 | flex-direction |
flex-direction property |
CSS property | 8 | 12 | A property used to indicate the direction of elements in a flexible box layout, with values such as row, row-reverse, column, and column-reverse. |
97 | flex-wrap |
flex-wrap property |
CSS property | 8 | 12 | A property used to indicate whether or not elements in a flexible box layout should wrap to the next line, with values such as nowrap, wrap, and wrap-reverse. |
98 | flex |
flex property |
CSS property | 8 | 12 | A property of contained elements in a flexible box layout, indicating how much growing and shrinking is allowed, with three values specified. |
99 | justify-content |
justify-content property |
CSS property | 8 | 13 | A property to align elements with respect to the main axis in a flexible box layout, with values such as flex-start, center, space-around, space-between, and flex-end. |
100 | align-items |
align-items property |
CSS property | 8 | 14 | A property to align elements with respect to the cross axis in a flexible box layout, with values such as flex-start, center, stretch, and flex-end. |
101 | form |
form element |
HTML element | 9 | 1 | An element for a form. |
102 | fieldset |
fieldset element |
HTML element | 9 | 1 | An element containing a set of fields for a form. |
103 | legend |
legend element |
HTML element | 9 | 1 | An element containing a title for a fieldset. |
104 | label |
label element |
HTML element | 9 | 1 | An element used to provide a caption for a control in a form. |
105 | for |
for attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 1 | An attribute of a label to match the ID value for the control it labels. |
106 | input |
input element |
HTML element | 9 | 2 | An element for a control in a form (types include text, reset, password, checkbox, radio, button and submit). |
107 | type |
type attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 2 | An attribute of an input element specifying what type of control it is (values include text, reset, password, checkbox, radio, button, and submit). |
108 | value |
value input attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 2 | An attribute of an input element specifying information depending on the type of input, such as text for a button or a value used by JavaScript for a checkbox. |
109 | placeholder |
placeholder attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 2 | An attribute of an input element specifying placeholder text. |
110 | autofocus |
autofocus attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 2 | An attribute of a form control to specify the focus. |
111 | checked |
checked attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 3 | An attribute to preset a checkbox in a form to be checked. |
112 | name |
name attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 4 | An attribute of an input element of type radio that is used to assign the same name to all related radio buttons. |
113 | select |
select element |
HTML element | 9 | 5 | An element for a dropdown menu in a form. |
114 | option |
option element |
HTML element | 9 | 5 | An element for an option in a dropdown menu. |
115 | selected |
selected attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 5 | An attribute of an option to specify that it has been selected. |
116 | multiple |
multiple attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 5 | An attribute of a select element to specify that more than one option can be selected. |
117 | value |
value option attribute |
HTML attribute | 9 | 5 | An attribute of an option to specify a value to be used by JavaScript. |
118 | reversed |
reverse list attribute |
HTML attribute | 11 | 2 | An attribute of an ordered list that reverses the order of the items. |
119 | start |
start list attribute |
HTML attribute | 11 | 2 | An attribute of an ordered list that specifies the starting number of the first item. |
120 | value |
value list attribute |
HTML attribute | 11 | 2 | An attribute of a list item that specifies the number for that item. |
121 | dl |
description list element |
HTML element | 11 | 3 | An element for a description list. |
122 | dt |
description term element |
HTML element | 11 | 3 | An element for a term in a description list. |
123 | dd |
description list description element |
HTML element | 11 | 3 | An element for the description of a term in a description list. |
124 | thead |
table head element |
HTML element | 11 | 4 | An element for a group of header rows in a table. |
125 | tfoot |
table foot element |
HTML element | 11 | 4 | An element for a group of footer rows in a table. |
126 | tbody |
table body element |
HTML element | 11 | 4 | An element for a group of body rows in a table. |
127 | scope |
scope attribute |
HTML attribute | 11 | 4 | An attribute of a table header to indicate whether it is associated with a row, column, or group (values include row, col, rowgroup, and colgroup). |
128 | rowspan |
row span attribute |
HTML attribute | 11 | 4 | An attribute of a table header or data element to indicate the number of rows to span. |
129 | colspan |
column span attribute |
HTML attribute | 11 | 4 | An attribute of a table header or data element to indicate the number of columns to span. |
130 | background-image |
background-image property |
CSS property | 11 | 6 | A property to specify the image to use in the background. |
131 | border-radius |
border-radius property |
CSS property | 11 | 6 | A property to specify how curved a corner should be, with values given as sizes. |