More array methods

The following is an incomplete list of other array methods, none of which mutateThe process of changing data. the array.

Name Meaning
.concat(arrayOne, arrayTwo) returns a new array formed by concatenatingTo make a new one by gluing together two. arrayOne and arrayTwo to the array; one or more arguments can be used
.toString() returns a string formed by concatenating all the items, using the string "," between each consecutive pair
.join(joiner) returns a string formed by concatenating all the items, using the string joiner between each consecutive pair
.indexOf(item) returns the index of the leftmost occurrence of the item
.lastIndexOf(item) returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of the item
.slice(start, end) returns a new array formed including elements with index start up through end - 1
.slice(start) returns a new array formed including elements with index start up through the end of the original array



  • undefined
var animals = ["ape", "dog", "bee", "cat", "dog", "eel"];
var vegetables = ["carrot", "onion", "bean"];