Creating classes

To create a classA type of object. is as simple as creating a function with the name of the class. The conventionA consistent style used to make code more readable to humans. is to capitalize the name of the class.

function ClassName(propOne, propTwo) {
    this.propOne = propOne;
    this.propTwo = propTwo;

    this.someMethod = function(someValue) {
        this.propOne = someValue;

The term this is used to refer to the specific object in question. Methods can be added inside the function definition, again using this to refer to the object.

After a class has been created, an object can be created using the syntax

var newObject = new ClassName(valueOne, valueTwo);


var newObject = new ClassName();
newObject.propOne = valOne;
newObject.propTwo = valTwo;

and the method can be called using the syntax
