ID | Name | Description | Type | Module | Step | Explanation | Example |
1 | alert |
alert |
JS | 1 | 3 | Create a new window containing the message. |
The result of |
2 | document.write |
document write |
JS | 1 | 3 | Replaces the content of the page with the input. |
The result of |
3 | console.log |
console log |
JS | 1 | 3 | Prints the input to the console. |
The result of |
4 | var |
variable or constant declaration |
JS | 2 | 7 | Used to declare a variable or a constant. |
Using |
5 | undefined |
undefined |
JS | 2 | 7 | A built-in value, such as the value of a variable that has not been initialized. |
The value of a variable that has not been initialized is |
6 | null |
null |
JS | 2 | 9 | A built-in value. |
The type of |
7 | typeof |
typeof function |
JS | 2 | 9 | A function that returns the type of the input. |
The value of |
8 | Infinity |
infinity |
JS | 2 | 10 | A special number for infinite values. |
The value of |
9 | -Infinity |
negative infinity |
JS | 2 | 10 | A special number for infinite negative values. |
The value of |
10 | NaN |
not a number |
JS | 2 | 10 | A special value to indicate that what has been obtained is not a number. |
The value of |
11 | + |
addition/concatenation |
JS | 2 | 10 | Used to add two numbers or concatenate two strings. |
The value of |
12 | - |
subtraction |
JS | 2 | 10 | Used to subtract a number from a number. |
The value of |
13 | * |
multiplication |
JS | 2 | 10 | Used to multiply two numbers. |
The value of |
14 | / |
division |
JS | 2 | 10 | Used to divide a number by a number. |
The value of |
15 | % |
remainder |
JS | 2 | 10 | Used to determine the remainder when dividing one number by another. |
The value of |
16 | += |
add and update |
JS | 2 | 12 | Used to add a value to a variable. |
The result of |
17 | -= |
subtract and update |
JS | 2 | 12 | Used to subtract a value from a variable. |
The result of |
18 | ++ |
increment |
JS | 2 | 12 | Used to increment a variable. |
The result of |
19 | -- |
decrement |
JS | 2 | 12 | Used to decrement a variable. |
The result of |
20 | \' |
escape character for single quote |
JS | 2 | 13 | Used to include a single quotation mark in a string. |
An example of a string is |
21 | \" |
escape character for double quote |
JS | 2 | 13 | Used to include a double quotation mark in a string. |
An example of a string is |
22 | \n |
escape character for new line |
JS | 2 | 13 | Used to indicate where a new line starts in a string. |
An example of a string is |
23 | \t |
escape character for tab |
JS | 2 | 13 | Used to indicate where a tab is placed in a string. |
An example of a string is |
24 | \\ |
escape character for backslash |
JS | 2 | 13 | Used to include a backslash in a string. |
An example of a string is |
25 | true |
Boolean value |
JS | 2 | 14 | The Boolean constant true. |
The value of |
26 | false |
Boolean value |
JS | 2 | 14 | The Boolean constant false. |
The value of |
27 | Boolean() |
Boolean function |
JS | 2 | 14 | Produces the Boolean equivalent of the input. |
The value of |
28 | < |
less than |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value less than the second input. |
The value of |
29 | <= |
less than or equal to |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value less than or equal to the second input. |
The value of |
30 | > |
greater than |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value less than the second input. |
The value of |
31 | >= |
greater than or equal to |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value greater than or equal to the second input. |
The value of |
32 | == |
equal |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value equal to the second input, allowing type conversion. |
The value of |
33 | != |
not equal |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value not equal to the second input, allowing type conversion. |
The value of |
34 | === |
equal (same type) |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value equal to the second input, no type conversion allowed. |
The value of |
35 | !== |
not equal (same type) |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the first input has a value not equal to the second input, no type conversion allowed. |
The value of |
36 | && |
Boolean and |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when both smaller expressions are true. |
The value of |
37 | || |
Boolean or |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when at least one smaller expression is true. |
The value of |
38 | ! |
Boolean not |
JS | 2 | 15 | Produces true when the value is False and False when the value is true. |
The value of |
39 | Number() |
number function |
JS | 2 | 18 | Produces the number equivalent (if any) of the input. |
The value of |
40 | String() |
string function |
JS | 2 | 18 | Produces the string equivalent (if any) of the input. |
The value of |
41 | .length |
length property |
JS | 3 | 2 | A string property with value the number of characters in the string. |
The value of |
42 | .valueOf() |
value of method |
JS | 3 | 2 | A method of any input, giving its value. |
The value of |
43 | .toString() |
to string method |
JS | 3 | 2 | A method of any input, giving its string equivalent. |
The value of |
44 | .slice(start, stop) |
slice method |
JS | 3 | 4 | Produces a string with characters positions start through stop - 1. |
The value of |
45 | .indexOf(sub) |
index of method |
JS | 3 | 4 | Produces the first position where |
The value of |
46 | .charAt(index) |
char at method |
JS | 3 | 4 | Produces the character at position index if index is a valid position in the string. |
The value of |
47 | .toUpperCase() |
to upper case method |
JS | 3 | 4 | Produces the string with all lower-case letters replaced by upper-case letters. |
The value of |
48 | .toLowerCase() |
to lower case method |
JS | 3 | 4 | Produces the string with all upper-case letters replaced by lower-case letters. |
The value of |
49 | .replace(old, new) |
replace method |
JS | 3 | 4 | Produces the string with the first copy of substring |
The value of |
50 | Math.PI |
constant pi |
JS | 3 | 5 | The constant pi. |
The value of |
51 | Math.floor(n) |
math floor |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces the nearest integer below n. |
The value of |
52 | Math.ceil(n) |
math ceiling |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces the nearest integer above n. |
The value of |
53 | Math.max(a, b, c) |
math maximum |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces the maximum of the inputs. |
The value of |
54 | Math.min(a, b, c) |
math minimum |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces the minimum of the inputs. |
The value of |
55 | Math.pow(a, b) |
math exponent |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces a to the power b. |
The value of |
56 | Math.sqrt(n) |
math square root |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces the square root of n. |
The value of |
57 | Math.random() |
math random |
JS | 3 | 5 | Produces a pseudorandom number in the range [0,1). |
The value of |
58 | new Date() |
date function |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces a new date object. |
59 | .getFullYear() |
get full year method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces the full year of a date object. |
60 | .getMonth() |
get month method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces the month of a date object, numbered from 0 to 11. |
61 | .getDate() |
get date method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces the date of a date object, with days numbered starting from 1. |
62 | .getHours() |
get hours method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces the hours of a date object. |
63 | .getMinutes() |
get minutes method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces the minutes of a date object. |
64 | .getSeconds() |
get seconds method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Produces the seconds of a date object. |
65 | .setMonth() |
set month method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Sets the month of the data object to the input month. |
66 | .toDateString() |
to date string method |
JS | 3 | 6 | Gives a readable format to a date object. |
67 | canvas.getContext("2d") |
get context method |
JS | 3 | 9 | Retrieves the context object. |
68 | lineWidth |
line width property |
JS | 3 | 9 | A canvas property with value the width of the line in pixels. |
69 | strokeStyle |
stroke style property |
JS | 3 | 9 | A canvas property with value a string giving the colour of the line. |
70 | lineCap |
line cap property |
JS | 3 | 9 | A canvas property with value a string indicating how the ends of the line can be shaped, such as |
71 | fillStyle |
fill style property |
JS | 3 | 9 | A canvas property with value a string giving the colour of a closed path. |
72 | font |
font property |
JS | 3 | 9 | A canvas property with value a string giving the size and name of a font. |
73 | .moveTo(x, y) |
move to method |
JS | 3 | 10 | A canvas method that places the pen at point (x, y). |
74 | .lineTo(x, y) |
line to method |
JS | 3 | 10 | A canvas method that forms a line by moving the pen to point (x, y). |
75 | .stroke() |
stroke method |
JS | 3 | 10 | A canvas method that makes a line appear using |
76 | .beginPath() |
begin path method |
JS | 3 | 10 | A canvas method that starts a new shape. |
77 | .closePath() |
close path method |
JS | 3 | 10 | A canvas method that closes of the shape formed. |
78 | .fill() |
fill method |
JS | 3 | 10 | A canvas method that fills what was created. |
79 | .rect(x, y, w, h) |
rectangle method |
JS | 3 | 12 | A canvas method that creates a rectangle of width w and height h with the top left corner at (x, y). |
80 | .arc(x, y, r, s, e) |
arc method |
JS | 3 | 12 | A canvas method that creates an arc of a circle centred at (x, y) with radius r from starting angle s to ending angle e. |
81 | .fillText(text, x, y) |
fill text method |
JS | 3 | 12 | A canvas method that places text at (x, y). |
82 | documentElement |
document element property |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM property of the document node, meaning the html element. |
83 | head |
head property |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM property of the document node, meaning the head element. |
84 | body |
body property |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM property of the document node, meaning the body element. |
85 | nodeType |
node type property |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM property of any node with value a number indicating the type. |
86 | nodeName |
node name property |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM property of any node with value a string with tag name in upper case, attribute name, or |
87 | nodeValue |
node value property |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM property of any node with value null for an element node, the attribute value for an attribute node and the content for a text node. |
88 | .getElementById() |
get element by ID method |
JS | 4 | 2 | A DOM method that produces the element with the ID equal to the input string. |
89 | parentNode |
parent node property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the parent node. |
90 | firstChild |
first child property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the first child node. |
91 | firstElementChild |
first element property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the first child that is an element node. |
92 | lastChild |
last child property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the last child node. |
93 | lastElementChild |
last element child property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the last child that is an element node. |
94 | nextSibling |
next sibling property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the next sibling node. |
95 | nextElementSibling |
next element sibling property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the next sibling that is an element node. |
96 | previousSibling |
previous sibling property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the previous sibling node. |
97 | previousElementSibling |
previous element sibling property |
JS | 4 | 4 | A DOM property with value the previous sibling that is an element node. |
98 | innerHTML |
inner HTML property |
JS | 4 | 6 | A DOM property with value the entire HTML content of the element. |
99 | textContent |
text content property |
JS | 4 | 6 | A DOM property with value the concatenation of the text of all the descendants of the node. |
100 | style |
style property |
JS | 4 | 6 | A DOM property with value the style of a node. |
101 | .getAttribute(attribute) |
get attribute method |
JS | 4 | 6 | A DOM method that produces the value of a particular attribute. |
102 | .setAttribute(attribute, value) |
set attribute method |
JS | 4 | 8 | A DOM method that sets the value of a particular attribute. |
103 | document.createElement("tagname") |
create element method |
JS | 4 | 10 | A DOM method that creates an element node with the specified tag name. |
104 | document.createTextNode("new text") |
create text node method |
JS | 4 | 10 | A DOM method that creates a text node with the specified text content. |
105 | .appendChild(item) |
append child method |
JS | 4 | 10 | A DOM method that adds item as the last child of the object. |
106 | .insertBefore(item, previousChild) |
insert before method |
JS | 4 | 10 | A DOM method that inserts item before the child previousChild of the object. |
107 | .replaceChild(item, oldChild) |
replace child method |
JS | 4 | 10 | A DOM method that replaces the child oldChild of the object with item. |
108 | .removeChild(oldChild) |
remove child method |
JS | 4 | 13 | A DOM method that removes the child oldChild of the object. |
109 | window.onload |
window load |
JS | 5 | 9 | The event when the window loads. |
110 | .addEventListener(event, function) |
add event listener method |
JS | 5 | 11 | A method that specifies that the function should be executed when the event occurs. |
111 | if |
if |
JS | 6 | 2 | Used to introduce the condition and the sequence of steps to execute if the condition is true. |
112 | else if |
else if |
JS | 6 | 2 | Used to introduce another condition and the sequence of steps to execute if that condition is true. |
113 | else |
else |
JS | 6 | 2 | Used to introduce the sequence of steps to execute if no other branches have been taken. |
114 | switch |
switch |
JS | 6 | 5 | Used to specify an expression, the value of which is used to distinguish among cases. |
115 | case |
case |
JS | 6 | 5 | Used to specify a possible value of an expression in a switch statement. |
116 | break |
break statement |
JS | 6 | 5 | Used to specify a break in a switch statement or an early exit from a loop. |
117 | while |
while loop |
JS | 6 | 7 | Used for a while loop. |
118 | for |
for loop |
JS | 6 | 7 | Used for a for loop. |
119 | continue |
continue statement |
JS | 6 | 7 | Used to specify an exit out of the current iteration in a loop. |
120 | [item1, item2, item3] |
create array |
JS | 7 | 2 | Used to create a new array. |
121 | myArray[i] |
array index |
JS | 7 | 2 | Used to access the item in the array at index i. |
The value of |
122 | myArray.length |
array length |
JS | 7 | 2 | Used to specify one greater than the largest index storing an element. |
The value of |
123 | .split(string) |
split method |
JS | 7 | 2 | A string method that consumes a string and produces an array of strings formed by splitting using the input string. |
The value of |
124 | .concat(arrayOne, arrayTwo) |
concatenation method |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns a new array formed by concatenating arrayOne and arrayTwo to the array; one or more arguments can be used. |
The value of |
125 | .toString() |
to string method |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns a string formed by concatenating all the items, using the string |
The value of |
126 | .join(joiner) |
join method |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns a string formed by concatenating all the items, using the string joiner between each consecutive pair. |
The value of |
127 | .indexOf(item) |
index of method |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns the index of the leftmost occurrence of the item. |
The value of |
128 | .lastIndexOf(item) |
last index of method |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of the item. |
The value of |
129 | .slice(start, end) |
slice method |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns a new array formed including elements with index start up through end - 1. |
The value of |
130 | .slice(start) |
slice method (one index) |
JS | 7 | 6 | An array method that returns a new array formed including elements with index start up through the end of the original array. |
The value of |
131 | .push(itemOne, itemTwo) |
push method |
JS | 7 | 7 | An array method that adds the arguments (one or more) to the end of the array and returns the new array length. |
Calling |
132 | .pop() |
pop method |
JS | 7 | 7 | An array method that removes the last item from the array and returns it. |
Calling |
133 | .shift() |
shift method |
JS | 7 | 7 | An array method that removes the first item from the array and returns it. |
Calling |
134 | .unshift(item) |
unshift method |
JS | 7 | 7 | An array method that adds item to the beginning of the array and returns the array length. |
Calling |
135 | .splice(i, num, itemOne, itemTwo) |
splice method |
JS | 7 | 8 | An array method that splices in the items to add (the third and following arguments) at index i while removing num items, and returns an array of the items removed. |
Calling |
136 | .reverse() |
reverse method |
JS | 7 | 8 | An array method that reverse the order of the items and returns the modified array. |
Calling |
137 | .sort() |
sort method |
JS | 7 | 8 | An array method that sorts the items in alphabetical order and returns the modified array. |
Calling |
138 | .forms() |
forms method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method of the document object that returns all form elements in the body. |
139 | .images() |
images method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method of the document object that returns all images elements in the body. |
140 | .links() |
links method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method of the document object that returns all hyperlink elements in the body. |
141 | .getElementsByClassName(class) |
get elements by class name method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method that returns all elements with the specified class name. |
142 | .getElementsByTagName(tag) |
get elements by tag name method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method that returns all elements with the specified tag name. |
143 | .getElementsByName(name) |
get elements by name method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method of the document object that returns all elements with the specified name. |
144 | .childNodes() |
child nodes method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method that returns all children. |
145 | .querySelectorAll(selector) |
query selector all method |
JS | 7 | 11 | A DOM method that returns all elements matching the input selector. |
146 | objectName = {property: value} |
create object |
JS | 8 | 2 | Used to create an object. |
147 | object[property] |
extract property |
JS | 8 | 2 | Used to extract a property value of an object. |
148 | delete |
delete property |
JS | 8 | 2 | Used to delete a property from an object. |
149 | for (prop in object) |
for loop in an object |
JS | 8 | 2 | Used to loop over all properties in an object. |
150 | function Classname() |
create class |
JS | 8 | 4 | Used to create a class. |
151 | new ClassName() |
create object of a class |
JS | 8 | 4 | Used to create an object of a particular class. |
152 | i |
case insensitive modifier |
JS | 8 | 10 | Used an a case-insensitive modifier in a regular expression. |
153 | g |
global modifier |
JS | 8 | 10 | Used as a global modifier in a regular expression. |
154 | m |
multiline matching modifier |
JS | 8 | 10 | Used as a multiline match in a regular expression. |
155 | .search(exp) |
search method |
JS | 8 | 10 | A string method that consumes a regular expression and produces the position of the first match. |
156 | .replace(exp, replace) |
replace method |
JS | 8 | 10 | A string method that consumes a regular expression and replacement string and produces the string formed by replacing each substring matching the pattern by the replacement string. |
157 | (a|b) |
pattern a or b |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression for either string a or string b. |
158 | [a3] |
pattern any character |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression for any character in the brackets. |
159 | [3-5] |
pattern character range |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression for any character in the range. |
160 | \d |
pattern digit |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression for any digit. |
161 | \s |
pattern white space |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression for white space. |
162 | \b |
pattern match at beginning or ending |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression to show that the match is at the beginning or ending. |
163 | + |
pattern at least one |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression to indicate at least of what comes before. |
164 | * |
pattern zero or more |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression to indicate zero or more of what comes before. |
165 | ? |
pattern zero or one |
JS | 8 | 12 | Used in a regular expression to indicate zero or one of what comes before. |