Table of contents
1. Introduction
Step 1 | Introduction
Step 2 | JavaScript overview
Step 3 | First steps in JavaScript
Step 4 | Example: Printing values
2. Using built-in data types and functions
Step 1 | Using built-in data types and functions
Step 2 | Brief review of programming concepts: variables and constants
Step 3 | Brief review of programming concepts: data types
Step 4 | Brief review of programming concepts: built-in functions
Step 5 | Brief review of programming concepts: functions for numbers and strings
Step 6 | Brief review of programming concepts: functions for Booleans
Step 7 | Flow of control, variables, and constants
Step 8 | Example: Declaration and initialization
Step 9 | Types of data
Step 10 | Numbers
Step 11 | Example: Numbers
Step 12 | Shorthand notation
Step 13 | Strings
Step 14 | Booleans
Step 15 | Functions consuming and/or producing Booleans
Step 16 | Automatic type conversion
Step 17 | Automatic type conversion for numbers and strings
Step 18 | Changing types of data
3. Using objects
Step 1 | Using objects
Step 2 | Overview of objects
Step 3 | Example: Syntax for properties and methods
Step 4 | Strings as objects
Step 5 | Math object
Step 6 | Date object
Step 7 | Example: Date object
Step 8 | Exercise: Computing time until midnight
Step 9 | Canvas
Step 10 | Drawing lines and shapes
Step 11 | Example: Drawing lines and shapes
Step 12 | Drawing rectangles and arcs and adding text
Step 13 | Example: Drawing rectangles and arcs and adding text
Step 14 | Exercise: Drawing initials
4. The Document Object Model (DOM)
Step 1 | The Document Object Model (DOM)
Step 2 | DOM properties and one method
Step 3 | Example: Node properties
Step 4 | Tree structure and navigation
Step 5 | Example: Tree structure and navigation
Step 6 | Extracting information about objects
Step 7 | Example: Extracting information
Step 8 | Making changes to objects
Step 9 | Example: Making changes to objects
Step 10 | Adding objects
Step 11 | Example: Adding objects
Step 12 | Rearranging objects
Step 13 | Deleting objects
Step 14 | Exercise: Using the DOM
5. Creating functions
Step 1 | Creating functions
Step 2 | Function definitions in JavaScript
Step 3 | Example: Function definition
Step 4 | Exercise: Computing elapsed minutes
Step 5 | Events
Step 6 | Example: A single-line script
Step 7 | Events and multiple-line scripts
Step 8 | The variable `this`
Step 9 | The window load event
Step 10 | Events and anonymous functions
Step 11 | Event listeners
Step 12 | Example: Event listeners
Step 13 | Example: Using event listeners and `this`
Step 14 | Exercise: Changing a button
Step 15 | Exercise: Clicking a table entry
Step 16 | Events for forms
Step 17 | Example: Using text input
Step 18 | Exercise: Using form input to draw circles
6. Branching and iteration
Step 1 | Branching and iteration
Step 2 | Branching in JavaScript
Step 3 | Exercise: Branching
Step 4 | Exercise: Using clicks and branching
Step 5 | Branching using a switch statement
Step 6 | Example: Switch statement
Step 7 | Iteration in JavaScript
Step 8 | Example: Iteration using while
Step 9 | Example: Iteration using for
Step 10 | Exercise: Using iteration and the canvas
Step 11 | Exercise: Using iteration and the DOM
7. Arrays and array-like objects
Step 1 | Arrays and array-like objects
Step 2 | Arrays in JavaScript
Step 3 | Example: Arrays
Step 4 | Exercise: Using an array
Step 5 | Exercise: Using clicks and arrays
Step 6 | More array methods
Step 7 | Changing the array
Step 8 | More array mutation
Step 9 | Example: Entering form data into an array
Step 10 | Exercise: Sorting and displaying the array
Step 11 | Array-like DOM objects
Step 12 | Exercise: Using clicks and array-like objects
Step 13 | Using the DOM and radio buttons
Step 14 | Using the DOM and the select object
Step 15 | Using the DOM and checkboxes
8. More to explore
Step 1 | More to explore
Step 2 | Creating objects
Step 3 | Example: Creating objects
Step 4 | Creating classes
Step 5 | Example: Creating classes
Step 6 | Example: Using objects for circles
Step 7 | Exercise: Erasing circles
Step 8 | Exercise: Using objects and the DOM
Step 9 | Recursion
Step 10 | Regular expressions
Step 11 | Example: Simple regular expressions
Step 12 | More patterns
Step 13 | Example: More patterns
Step 14 | Exercise: Using recursion and regular expressions
Step 15 | Next steps