
JavaScript help

If you're having trouble completing an exercise, one of the following might help:

  • Built-ins - a list of JavaScript classesA type of object., methodsA function associated with a class., and functionsA way of associating inputs and a possible output. used in the course
  • Glossary - a list of terms used in the course

Glossary terms are shown in bold, burgundy letters when they are first defined. Subsequently, at times they will appear underlined, which allow you to hover over the term to see the definition. Terms that first appear underlined are associated with background material in HTML, CSS, and programming.

Help using the site

More information

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is responsible not only for developing standards for the web, but also for education. The links below provide course materials, documentation, and validators for HTML and CSS. You can use them as a starting point for learning more JavaScript.

Specific pages of interest include:

To create your own work outside of this course, you can create files in a text editor and then display your pages using a browser. (Making your pages available to others is a more complicated process, and will vary depending on your set-up.)

How to access the console depends on which version of which browser you use; some of the common issues are raised here. The console can usually be accessed from a menu with a name like View (perhaps under the name Developer), Tools, or Develop. It might be necessary to edit your advanced browser preferences to get access to the menu for Web developers. The console itself might be called JavaScript Console or Browser Console.

Also depending on the browser, there may also be built-in or add-on tools, such as a DOM inspector.