
1 print


1 2

Prints the value to the screen.

print(5) prints the number 5 to the screen.

2 +


1 3

Adds two numbers.

2 + 3 has the value 5.

3 -


1 3

Subtracts the first number by the second.

3 - 1 has the value 2.

4 *


1 3

Multiplies two numbers.

4 * 3 has the value 12.

5 /


1 3

Divides the first number by the second.

12 / 3 has the value 4.0 since division always results in a floating point number.

6 +

unary plus

1 3

Used on one value, does not change the number.

+ 3 has the value 3.

7 -


1 3

Used on one value, negates the number.

- 3 has the value -3.

8 //


1 3

Calculates the quotient when the first number is divided by the second.

20 // 7 has the value 2, since the integer part of 20 divided by 7 is 2.

9 %


1 3

Calculates the remainder when the first number is divided by the second.

20 % 7 has the value 6, since the remainder when dividing 20 by 7 is 6.

10 **


1 3

Raises the first number to the power of the second number.

2 ** 3 has the value 8, since it is the cube of 2.

11 import


2 3

Used to import a module.

import math can be used to import the math module.

12 math

math module

2 3

The math module. Contains functions and constants relating to math.

After the math module is imported, math.sqrt and other functions and constants can be used.

13 sqrt

square root

2 3

Determines the square root of the input. In the math module.

After the math module is imported, math.sqrt(4) has the value 2.0, since taking the square root always results in a floating point number.

14 pi


2 3

The constant (\pi). In the math module.

After the math module is imported, the constant can be accessed as math.pi.

15 dir


2 3

Used with the input __builtins__ (to list all built-ins), a value (to list all built-ins applicable to that value), or a module (to list all contents of the module).

Using dir(9) results in all functions that can be used on 9.

16 from math import

import a single function or constant

2 3

Used to import a single function or constant from a module.

After using from math import sqrt one can use sqrt instead of math.sqrt.

17 pow


2 3

Uses the first input as the base and the second as the exponent. There are two versions. The version in the math module always returns a floating point number.

pow(2, 3) has the value 8 and math.pow(2, 3) has the value 8.0.

18 abs

absolute value

2 3

Produces the absolute value of the input.

abs(-3.4) has the value 3.4.

19 __doc__


2 3

Prints the docstring. Uses dot notation.

The docstring for abs has the lines abs(number) -> number and Return the absolute value of the argument..

20 input

user input

2 4

Prompts the user to type a value. The optional string is the prompt.

The function call input("Enter your age:") prompts the user for input with "Enter your age:".

21 type

determine type

2 4

Produces the type of the input.

The value of type(5) is <class 'int'>, indicating that 5 is an integer.

22 int

make into integer

2 4

Makes an integer, floating point number, or string (if an integer in quotation marks) into an integer.

The values of int(5.3) and int("5") are both 5.

23 float

make into floating point

2 4

Makes an integer, floating point number, or string (if a number in quotation marks) into a floating point number.

The values of float(5) and float("5") are both 5.0.

24 str

make into string

2 4

Makes a number or a string into a string.

The values of str(5) and str(5.0) are the strings "5", and "5.0", respectively.

25 len


2 7

Produces the length of a string.

The values of length("") and length("cat") are 0 and 3, respectively.

26 [i]


2 7

Produces the character in position i of a string.

The value of "cat"[1] is "a", since the first position is at index zero.

27 +


2 7

Produces the string formed by gluing together the input strings.

The value of "hot" + "dog" is the string "hotdog".

28 *

repeated concatenation

2 7

Produces the string formed by repeatedly gluing the input with copies of the input.

The value of 2 * "no" is "nono".

29 [a:b]


2 7

Produces a substring from positions a up to but not including position b.

The value of "hotdog"[2:5] is "tdo".

30 upper

upper case

2 8

Produces a string with all lower-case letters replaced by upper-case letters. Uses dot notation.

The value of "Ha!".upper() is "HA!".

31 lower

lower case

2 8

Produces a string with all upper-case letters replaced by lower-case letters. Uses dot notation.

The value of "Ha!".lower() is "ha!".

32 ceil


2 8

Produces the integer reached by pushing up to the ceiling. In the math module.

The values of math.ceil(2), math.ceil(1.2), and math.ceil(-1.2) are 2, 2, and -1, respectively.

33 floor


2 8

Produces the integer reached by pushing down to the floor. In the math module.

The values of math.floor(2), math.floor(1.2), and math.floor(-1.2) are 2, 1, and -2, respectively.

34 trunc


2 8

Produces the integer formed by cutting off all digits after the decimal point. In the math module.

The values of math.trunc(2), math.trunc(1.2), and math.trunc(-1.2) are 2, 1, and -1, respectively.

35 True


5 3

The Boolean constant True.

If the value of a Boolean is not True, it must be False.

36 False


5 3

The Boolean contant False.

If the value of a Boolean is not False, it must be True.

37 or


5 3

Produces True when at least one smaller expression is True.

The value of True or False is True.

38 and


5 3

Produces True when both smaller expressions are True.

The value of True and True is True.

39 not


5 3

Produces True when the value is False and False when the value is True.

The value of not True is False.

40 <

less than

5 3

Produces True when the first input has a value less than the second input.

The value of 3 < 2 is False.

41 >

greater than

5 3

Produces True when the first input has a value greater than the second input.

The value of 5 > 2 is True.

42 <=

less than or equal to

5 3

Produces True when the first input has a value less than or equal to the second input.

The value of 3 <= 3 is True.

43 >=

greater than or equal to

5 3

Produces True when the first input has a value greater than or equal to the second input.

The value of 5 >= 10 is False.

44 ==


5 3

Produces True when the first input has a value equal to the second input.

The value of 1 == 0 is False.

45 !=

not equals

5 3

Produces True when the first input has a value not equal to the second input.

The value of 2 != 2 is False.

46 is


5 3

Produces True when the first and second input are at the same memory address. Syntax is a is b.

For a variable num, the value of num is num is True.

47 is not

is not

5 3

Produces True when the first and second input are not at the same memory address. Syntax is a is not b.

The value of a is not b is True whenever a is b is False.

48 ord

code point from character

5 3

Produces the code point corresponding to the input character.

The value of ord("A") is 65.

49 chr

character from code point

5 3

Produces the character corresponding to the input code point.

The value of chr(65) is "A".

50 isalpha

letter check

5 3

Produces True if the input string is made up of letters. Uses dot notation.

The value of "Cat".isalpha() is True.

51 islower

lower case check

5 3

Produces True if the input string is made up of lower-case letters. Uses dot notation.

The value of "cat".islower() is True.

52 isupper

upper case check

5 3

Produces True if the input string is made up of upper-case letters. Uses dot notation.

The value of "CAT".isupper() is True.

53 isdigit

digit check

5 3

Produces True if the input string is made up of digits. Uses dot notation.

The value of "123".isdigit() is True.

54 isspace

space check

5 3

Produces True if the input string is made up of blank spaces. Uses dot notation.

The value of " ".isspace() is True.

55 assert


7 7

Results in an assertion error if the Boolean expression after assert is not True.

Running a program containing the line assert 1 == 0, "No way" results in an assertion error with the message "No way".

56 len

list length

9 2

Produces the length of a list.

The value of len([1, 2, 3]) is 3, since the number of items in the list is 3.

57 [i]


9 2

Produces the item in position i of a list.

The value of [1, 2, 3][1] is 2, since 2 is the item in position 1 of the list.

58 +


9 2

Produces the list formed by gluing together the input lists.

The value of [0, 1] + [2, 3] is the list [0, 1, 2, 3].

59 *

repeated concatenation

9 2

Produces the list formed by repeatedly gluing the input with copies of the input.

The value of [3, 4] * 2 is [3, 4, 3, 4], as it is formed by concatenating two copies of [3, 4].

60 [a:b]


9 2

Produces a list from positions a up to but not including position b.

The value of [6, 7, 8, 9][1:3] is [7, 8], as it is formed of the items in positions 1 through 2.

61 min


9 3

Produces the minimum item in the list. The input list does not change.

The value of min([4, 3, 6]) is 3.

62 max


9 3

Produces the maximum item in the list. The input list does not change.

The value of max([4, 3, 6]) is 6.

63 count


9 3

Produces the number of times the input item appears in the input list. Uses dot notation. The input list does not change.

The value of [8, 7, 8, 9].count(8) is 2, since the value 8 appears two times in the list.

64 index


9 3

Produces the smallest index of a position containing the input item in the input list. Uses dot notation. The input list does not change.

The value of [8, 9, 7].index(9) is 1, since 9 is in position 1.

65 in


9 3

Produces True if the item is in the list. Syntax is a in b.

The value of 9 in [8, 9, 7] is True.

66 list

new list

9 3

Produces a new list containing the items of the input as items. The input list does not change.

The value of list("ape") is ["a", "p", "e"].

67 sorted


9 3

Produces a new list with the input items in sorted order. The input list does not change.

The value of sorted([6, 3, 5]) is [3, 5, 6].

68 append


9 3

Mutates the input list by appending the input item to the end of the list.

For a variable seq with value [1, 2], using seq.append(3) results in seq becoming the list [1, 2, 3].

69 remove


9 3

Mutates the input list by removing the first occurrence of the input item from the list.

For a variable seq with value [7, 8, 7], using seq.remove(7) results in seq becoming the list [8, 7].

70 insert


9 3

Mutates the input list by inserting at the input index the input item.

For a variable seq with value [7, 8, 7], using seq.insert(2, 9) results in seq becoming the list [7, 8, 9, 7].

71 sort


9 3

Mutates the input list by sorting the items.

For a variable seq with value [4, 2, 3], using seq.sort() results in seq becoming the list [2, 3, 4].

72 range


10 2

Produces an immutable sequence of integers starting at start and stopping before stop at intervals of step. Input order is (start, stop, step). If step is missing, its default value is 1. If both step and start are missing, their default values are 1 and 0, respectively.

The value of range(3, 9, 2) is a structure with the values 3, 5, and 7.

73 split


10 8

Produces a list of strings from an input string. Uses dot notation.

The value of "a b c".split() is ['a', 'b', 'c'].

74 class

class definition

11 2

Creates a new class.

To create a class Oyster, the first line should be class Oyster: and the second line, indented, should have the docstring.

75 isinstance

instance check

11 2

Produces True if the first input (an object) is a member of the second input (a class).

The value of isinstance(eye, Circle) is True if we have created an object eye of type Circle.

76 hasattr

attribute check

11 2

Produces True if the first input (an object) has an attribute with the second input (a string) as its name.

The value of hasattr(eye, "colour") is True if the object eye is of a type with attribute colour.

77 dir


11 2

Used with an class name as input to show contents of a class.

Using dir(Circle) shows contents of the class Circle.

78 copy

copy module

11 3

Contains functions related to copying.

To load the copy module, use import copy.

79 copy

copy function

11 3

Makes a shallow copy. In the copy module.

To create a copy of an object eye, use copy.copy(eye). If the object contains other objects, those objects will not be copied.

80 deepcopy

deep copy function

11 3

Makes a deep copy. In the copy module.

To create a copy of an object eye in which all objects within it are also copied, use copy.deepcopy(eye).

81 len

tuple length

12 3

Produces the length of a tuple.

The value of len((1, 2, 3)) is 3, since the number of items in the tuple is 3.

82 [i]


12 3

Produces the item in position i of a tuple.

The value of (1, 2, 3)[1] is 2, since 2 is the item in position 1 of the tuple.

83 +


12 3

Produces the tuple formed by gluing together the input tuples.

The value of (0, 1) + (2, 3) is the tuple (0, 1, 2, 3).

84 *

repeated concatenation

12 3

Produces the tuple formed by repeatedly gluing the input with copies of the input.

The value of (3, 4) * 2 is (3, 4, 3, 4), as it is formed by concatenating two copies of (3, 4).

85 [a:b]


12 3

Produces a tuple from positions a up to but not including position b.

The value of (6, 7, 8, 9)[1:3] is (7, 8), formed of the items in positions 1 through 2.

86 tuple


12 3

Produces a tuple from the items in the input.

The value of tuple([1, 2]) is (1, 2).

87 min


12 3

Produces the minimum item in the tuple.

The value of min((4, 3, 6)) is 3.

88 max


12 3

Produces the maximum item in the tuple.

The value of max((4, 3, 6)) is 6.

89 count


12 3

Produces the number of times the input item appears in the input tuple. Uses dot notation.

The value of (8, 7, 8, 9).count(8) is 2, since the value 8 appears two times in the tuple.

90 index


12 3

Produces the smallest index of a position containing the input item in the input tuple. Uses dot notation.

The value of (8, 9, 7).index(9) is 1, since 9 is in position 1.

91 in


12 3

Produces True if the item is in the tuple. Syntax is a in b.

The value of 9 in (8, 9, 7) is True.

92 list

new list

12 3

Produces a new list containing the items of the input tupleas items.

The value of list(("a", "p", "e)) is ["a", "p", "e"].

93 sorted


12 3

Produces a new list with the tuple input items in sorted order.

The value of sorted((6, 3, 5)) is [3, 5, 6].

94 [i]

access dictionary item

12 4

Produces the value associated with key i.

For a variable data assigned the value {'one': 'un', 'two': 'deux'}, the value of data['two'] is deux.

95 keys


12 4

Produces a list of keys in the dictionary. Uses dot notation.

For a variable data assigned the value {'one': 'un', 'two': 'deux'}, using data.keys() results in the keys one and two.

96 items

key, item pairs

12 4

Produces a list of key, item pairs. Uses dot notation.

For a variable data assigned the value {'one': 'un', 'two': 'deux'}, using data.items() results in the pairs ('one', 'un') and ('two', 'deux').

97 in


12 4

Produces True if the first input is a key in the second input (a dictionary). Syntax is a in b.

For a variable data assigned the value {'one': 'un', 'two': 'deux'}, the value of 'two' in data is True.

98 not in

not in

12 4

Produces True if the first input is not a key in the second input (a dictionary). Syntax is a not in b.

For a variable data assigned the value {'one': 'un', 'two': 'deux'}, the value of 'three' not in data is True.

99 zip


12 4

Produces pairs of values from two input sequences.

Using zip('ha','ho') results in the pairs ('h', 'h') and ('a', 'o').